Terms of use

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Terms of Use

The datasets and other resources available on this website are licensed under the Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC.  In downloading or otherwise using the data, code, and other resources available on this website, the user agrees to:

  1. Use the data ONLY for educational, scholarly, and other non-commercial purposes.
    • Report immediately to macrofinance@princeton.edu any discovery of flaws or errors in the data or documentation files.
    • Acknowledge that the content and/or format of the archive and the site may be revised, updated or otherwise modified from time to time.  
    • Accept that the Macrofinance Lab and Princeton University assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the datasets available here.
  2. Not sell, transfer, assign, license, lease, or otherwise convey any portion of the datasets including user-created data extracts, to any third parties (other than to assistants or students you supervise during an ongoing project). Republication on a third party’s website requires the written permission of the Princeton University’s Macrofinance Lab or the Princeton University Library.
  3. Appropriately cite sources in any research reports, papers, or publications based on the datasets available on this website. Proposed Ccitation details are attached to each dataset.
  4. If you are required by a journal to provide access to your data extract, or if you want to share data extracts with others, deposit the data extract in the American Economic Association Data and Code Repository maintained through the Open ICPSR initiative. Anyone – regardless of affiliation or ICPSR-members status – may deposit data into the ICPSR-PSID Data Extract Repository, as well as access and download data from the repository
  5. Update us about publications based on any Macrofinance Lab dataset by emailing the full citation at macrofinance@princeton.edu.